Training Course
- Introduction
- Broad expected outcome
- Target beneficiaries
- Modules
- Mode of delivery
- Language
- School Structure
- Certification
- Costs and Scholarship
- Eligibility Requirements
- Important information
- Important timelines
- Apply Now
The Climate Justice (CJ) is a central concept in the training programme of the Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice. The CJ concept that addresses the ethical dimensions of global warming and poses tough questions to the dominant mode of policy making and practice, it also incorporates equality, human rights, collective rights, the rights of nature, and the historical responsibilities for the climate crisis. CJ is a philosophy designed not only to ensure emissions cuts (including leaving fossil fuels underground), but to ask who bears the burden and how Just Transitions can be achieved. It questions the current power relations associated with race, gender, class, generational and North South biases.
The Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice understands the complexity of issues surrounding the clamor for climate justice for Africa, in the context of climate science and policy frameworks. Many youths, Civil society organizations, private and public institutions have limited knowledge, skills and experiences that could enable them secure rightful position in matters climate justice for Africa. Despite being a majority stakeholder, African youth are concerned about being sidelined and underrepresented in climate change policy making and implementation processes at the national, regional, and international levels. Climate Justice Education, thus, becomes ever more urgent, and the Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice is ever more relevant for popular movements that are climate literate and capable of interpreting the changes they observe as climate challenges become overwhelming.
The Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice offers tailor made course modules developed and offered by outstanding eminent scholars, experts, researchers and community scholars and activists from both the South and North as well as by Africa’s leading Climate Justice strategists and activists. The school training is designed as a continuous learning process since graduates undertake to extend outreach into their respective localities by initiating creative communal action to solve immediate local-level challenges that they consider detrimental to climate justice. This “bottom-up”, “from- below” approach is vital for effective grassroots organizing, and in turn has awakened consciousness about humans living interdependently with nature. The role of young people and community scholars is the most vital for thorough-going socio-economic transformation.
The learners will be equipped with
i The necessary knowledge on concepts of climate change, its causes, impacts and appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies
ii The concepts of sustainable developments, locally led adaptation and resilience building based on the developed frameworks at the community-based adaptation and resilience strategies and approaches used
iii The knowledge on the international efforts used to address the climate crisis and how the processes originated from the climate policy aspects, through the UNFCCC process and their relevant impacts on the general environmental management
iv Knowledge of justice issues associated with the climate crisis, especially among communities at the frontline of climate change, and explore what climate justice is to advance global southern perspective of climate justice.
v The rationale, concepts, and principles of just energy transition and access in Africa, that tackles the complex energy challenges in Africa, the energy policies and governance in the context of Africa.
vi Equipped to climate justice movement, especially from the Global South, and especially to implement successful advocacy strategies.
vii The knowledge of green economy and sustainability and how it implies to the development of green jobs and practices.
viii The knowledge on the key gender concepts and principles that can be applied in climate justice planning and programming
ix The knowledge on the perspectives of faith in addressing climate change issues through religious teaching and beliefs
x The complex and multidimensional relationship between climate change and health.
xi The knowledge on key concepts applied to address social and environmental injustices related to urbanization such as smart cities, safe cities, sustainable cities, resilient cities, sharing cities, among others.
xii The knowledge on addressing the complexities in climate security risks
xiii The knowledge on understanding the human and environmental rights and explore the notion of transitional justices and how it might be applied to achieve climate justice.
xiv The knowledge on the concept and principles of climate finance
The Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice target young applicants drawn from climate advocates, activists, and campaigners, policy makers, grassroots community leaders, in academia, climate scientists, researchers, smallholder producers’ organizations, trade union members, leaders of Civil Society Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Faith-Based Organizations, Community- Based Organizations, Self Help Groups, youth groups, women’s groups and others with a passion to address the most profound challenge society has ever faced
Africa’s youth population is growing rapidly and is expected to reach over 830 million by 2050, due to their vulnerable position in society, they continue to be disproportionately affected by negative impacts of climate change. The school targets on youth as they are a significant resource that should be skilled to be part of the climate solutions policies, plans, programs, and projects at all levels to govern their future.
The content and materials for the summer school modules have been prepared through a consultative process with inputs from various stakeholders including partners and young people
The Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice is delivered in various blended learning approaches.
The main modes of delivery include: keynote presentations, illustrated lectures, facilitated group discussions, plenary discussion, experience sharing, audio-visual displays, case studies, field visits and excursions. The mixed delivery methodology aimed at ensuring participatory training where both trainers and trainees optimize on knowledge acquisition using different approaches. Instead of training participants as end user of this knowledge, the training-of-trainers approach is adopted to enable the multiplier effect needed to build a critical mass for Africa and beyond
There will be online transmission via zoom with interpretation for the virtual resource persons and the shortlisted virtual applicants
The course will be conducted in English with French and Portuguese interpretation
NSSCJ is structured as:
- i) An online pre- training session. All successful applicants will be invited to sessions where a pre-training survey on participants expectations will be conducted. In this session an introduction on the summer school content and programme as well as the logistical arrangement for the in-person training will be done. The session will further prepare the applicants to explore the climatic situations and experiences in their local areas for better application of these insights during the in-person training and to help them develop realistic locally led climate actions and solutions to identified situations;
- ii) In person training session: The shortlisted participants that will have successfully completed the online pre-training session, will qualify to attend the intense 12 days physical in- person training and virtually. This sessions begins with a High level symposium
iii) Field trip: A day long field trip to the identified site
- iv) Post training sessions: NSSCJ will organize networking sessions to bring together the NSSCJ alumni to continue connecting and growing the climate justice movement. The sessions will provide an opportunity for cross-sharing of the different locally-led initiatives by the alumni in their various countries. Further skills-based training such as how to develop and write climate action plans, reports, stories of change and articles.
Duration of the course:
The duration of the Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice training is is 2 weeks
Certificates will be issued to participants that will fully and successfully complete the training.
There are limited scholarships which will be awarded competitively.
Costs for In-Person Training
- International applicants training (return economy ticket, visa fee, accommodation, conference package, meals and certificate)- USD 3500,
- Local Kenyan applicants: (accommodation, conference package, meal and certificate) – USD 2500
Costs for 2 Weeks Virtual Training
Virtual applicants: (tuition fee and certificates) – USD 300
- Have an O level certificate or the equivalent high school matriculation
- Be between 18-35 years at the time of application
- Have fluency in English and/or French languages; and
- Have a valid passport (for non-Kenyan applicants).
To be updated
To be updated