Sally Kases, an alumnus of Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice, is a graduate of Kenyatta University, Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and Community Development Kenya. She is working on mangrove ecosystem restoration and conservation in Mkupe Bridge in the coastal region of Kenya as a communication lead volunteer with Youth Pawa, a non-Government organization that deals with environment conservation with a focus on mangroves. Her work involves working closely with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of mangroves and involve them in the restoration process.
Sally says that she developed a passion for mangrove restoration after learning the importance of environmental protection during the Nairobi Summer school on Climate Justice.
“My passion for the conservation of mangrove ecosystems began when I was a student at Kenyatta University. During my studies, I was exposed to the importance of mangrove ecosystems and the threats they face from human activities. This inspired me to pursue a career within this area” says Sally.
Mangroves are unique and highly productive ecosystems found in tropical and subtropical coastal areas. They consist of trees and shrubs that grow in saline or brackish water and are adapted to survive in harsh, intertidal environments. Mangroves provide critical ecosystem services, such as protecting shorelines from erosion and storm surges, supporting biodiversity, and providing livelihoods and food security for coastal communities.
“The knowledge I acquired from Nairobi Summer School empowered me to take action by volunteering with local conservation organizations to help the community to understand the practical approaches for community based natural resource management to better restore and protect mangrove ecosystems. I also support in capacity bulding andawareness creation on importance of mangroves ecosystem restoration..”
The school is conceptualized as an intergenerational platform to share, learn and network on disruptive ideas that are needed to catalyze economy-wide transformation in a climate-catastrophic world. The school adopts a society-wide focus, targeting sectoral and thematic experts and frontline activists irrespective of formal education and cultural backgrounds.
The school is held every year and it offers tailor-made course modules developed by outstanding scholars, experts, researchers and community scholars and activists from both the South and North. The purpose of the school is to awaken, equip, and inspire a new generation of actors in Africa and globally to address the question of climate justice, including intra and intergenerational equity.